Preparing for Adulthood Workshop by Trafford Area SEND Partnership

PFA Workshop 5th February - 9.30am for a 9.45am start until 12.15pm at Life Centre in Sale.

To book your place, please fill out our online form: Book Here
Trafford Area SEND partnership knows that there are improvements that the council and partners need to make in order to change things for the better for children and young people with SEND. There are several areas that we know we need to improve and one of these is transition, particularly Preparation for Adulthood. This workshop is an opportunity for frontline professionals, parents, and carers to come together and share their ideas.

The intended audience for this workshop is parent/carers, health practitioners, social care and education practitioners.

In Trafford we are trying to develop a shared understanding of what is needed for there to be good transition. We know that challenges will still exist, and experiences will vary but we want to work collectively to develop a set of principles that we will work to and develop some joint commitments to enable positive transition experiences for all our children and young people. This is inclusive of all children with SEND needs, those with EHC plans and SEND support and at all stages of transition.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 5th February where we can share our thoughts, ideas and experiences. Click here to book your place!

Kind regards,

Shona Gallagher

SEND Improvement Lead

Trafford Parents Forum Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 09306230 at Suite 2, Ambassador Place, Stockport Road, Altrincham, WA15 8DB
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