RE: Year 6 Phased Transition

Dear Parent/Carers

We understand that transitioning from one phase of education to another, is a worrying time for both you and your child/ren. Therefore, we want to provide some helpful information so that you know what to expect.

The Annual Reviews for your children who are transitioning at Y6, need to take place by the October half-term to allow enough time for the local authority to consult with educational settings and make any changes to the plan.

Once a review has taken place, the school must submit the review paperwork to the LA within 2 weeks where it will be logged and then reviewed by your EHC coordinator. Your coordinator will then proceed in creating an amended EHC Plan which will be sent out to you for your review and feedback. You will be asked for your secondary school preference at your annual review meeting. Your coordinator will accept the secondary school preference(s) made and will take one of two possible actions which are:

• Contact the preferred school to consult with them. Following a response from the consultation with school, your coordinator will contact you to discuss the outcome, so a placement can be agreed and be named in the EHC Plan. Other local consultations may be suggested alongside.

• Where there is a change in type of school e.g. mainstream to special school, the annual review information will go to the EHC Moderation and Resource panel to be discussed. Further consultations may be required alongside your preference with a local mainstream school or a local specialist school.

The outcome of this decision will be shared with you ahead of the school or placement being named in the plan by your coordinator.

Trafford’s Inclusion Charter states: Local schools and educational settings in Trafford are committed to meeting the needs of children and young people in their local community. 

EHC Team
Trafford Council
Sale Waterside
Sale, Manchester, M33 7ZF
Email [email protected]
Telephone 0161 912 5157

If your preference is not your local school your coordinator will ask about this as we want to learn from your reasoning so we can continue to improve the inclusive practice of all schools.

These are the dates which we try hard to adhere to in the transition process: 

• 15 February: Finalised EHC Plan for children who are moving from early years provision to primary school, infant to junior school and primary school to secondary school.
We hope this is helpful to you but please be assured that throughout the process, your EHC coordinator will be working on your behalf, to move things forward as quickly as possible, and will keep you updated when tasks are completed, and decisions are made. Please contact your EHC Co-ordinator if you have any concerns during the process. Sharing your lived experience is very important to us and it helps us to understand more about the impact of transition on our SEND children and young people and their families. Your feedback helps us to improve our service. 

Yours sincerely,

Paul Greenwood
EHC Team Manager

Year 6 Phase Transfer

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