Emily Heywood is our Peer to Peer Coordinator (Team Lead) and is a parent to three children, she is a qualified Primary School teacher with 11 years of teaching experience through schools within Stockport and Trafford and it is through this experience she developed a passion for working with children with SEND and their families.
In October 2019 Emily was elected as a voluntary parent governor for her children’s primary school and has recently also taken on the role of SEND link governor which enables her to work closely with the school SENCO and provide a parent carer perspective to try to make the experience for SEND children and their families as positive as possible.
Following a short career break whilst caring for her youngest child, Emily joined the team and now works alongside Clair who together have successfully set up and developed our support service, Stronger Together Empowering Parents (STEP).
She is passionate about supporting parent carers both emotionally and practically to try to make their SEND journey slightly easier and to help develop a support network around them, so they know where to turn when things feel particularly tough.
Since joining the team in 2020, Emily has successfully achieved IPSEA Level 1 and 2 legal SEND training, has completed the LA’s Reducing Parental Conflict training and is completing an ‘Understanding Autism Awareness’ module as part of her continuing professional development.