About this report

This Policy sets out Trafford Council’s (“the Council”) position in relation to transport provision and travel assistance for children and young people habitually and normally resident and adults ordinarily resident in Trafford. The Council’s aim is to provide assistance, in a consistent and equitable way, in order to help people achieve maximum possible independence and at the same time to make reasonable and most efficient use of the Council’s resources, in line with the Council’s Sustainable Modes of Transport Strategy.

The Policy sets out what transport provision and assistance will be made available by the Council; the people who will be able to apply for it; and the circumstances in which that provision and assistance will be available.

The Policy applies to the following: 

• Children of compulsory school age (aged between 5 and 16 years);
• Children under compulsory school age starting reception;
• Pre-school age children aged 2 to 4 years old;
• Disabled children (0-18) accessing social care or similar including respite provision/short breaks;
• Persons of sixth form age (aged between 16 to 18 and those continuing learners who started their programme of learning before their 19th birthday) to aid their attendance at school, college or place of learning
• Adult learners;
• Adults with care and support needs.

Trafford Parents Forum Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 09306230 at Suite 2, Ambassador Place, Stockport Road, Altrincham, WA15 8DB
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